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You strive to train as hard as the athletes of your favorite club, so represent the team that inspires you with Ladies EFL League One equipment from Kitbag. The selection of sports gear at Kitbag includes all kinds of EFL League One footballs in miniature, training, and standard sizes, many of which are in striking replica designs. You can also find EFL League One shin guards, goalie gloves, goalkeeper jerseys, and scrimmage vests. If you train in a sport other than football, Kitbag still has your equipment needs covered. Take your team pride to the golf course with EFL League One divot tools, hat clips, sleeves of golf balls, or a golf ball, towel, and brush set. Need to haul all that gear? Keep repping the team with Kitbag’s array of EFL League One high-quality backpacks, duffel bags, drawstring packs, and shoe bags, perfect for storing all your spirited sporting equipment. It’s easy to stay active and show your club devotion when you shop the EFL League One equipment among the classic football shirts and more at Kitbag.